You always have a chance to excel at casino games, but what really matters is whether you can resist the temptation and stop at the right moment. All the best gamblers do.”īaltasar Gracián y Morales came up with this philosophical quote over 300 years ago, and it remains a handy gambling recommendation to this day. The quote’s author focuses on this issue and encourages players to treat their money more responsibly while playing. Gamblers tend to forget about their bankroll and make betting decisions based on emotions. However, this professional advice is one of the most useful. Pappy, gave us a lot of excellent phrases. “Gambling is not about how well you play the games it’s really about how well you handle your money.”
Perhaps this is what Fast Eddie Felson, Paul Newman’s character in The Color of Money movie, had in mind when he said this line.
The adrenaline euphoria after a superb win is worth much more than just money. There are thousands of gambling quotes from movies, but this one describes the reason causing millions of people to go back to gambling again and again. “Money won is twice as sweet as money earned.”